Starry Solomon’s Plume (Maianthemum stellatum)

In Production

Starry Solomon’s Plum is an early bloomer that attracts Halictid bees. It is the host plant to 3 species of butterflies or moths in the area ( The berries are eaten by a number of woodland songbirds ( Deer also seem to like it, so it may need to be protected for a bit until it is established. It does spread by rhizomes, so bear that in mind when planting. It will spread if the conditions are right.

Photo credit: Joshua Mayer

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Starry Solomon’s Plum is an early bloomer that attracts Halictid bees. It is the host plant to 3 species of butterflies or moths in the area ( The berries are eaten by a number of woodland songbirds ( Deer also seem to like it, so it may need to be protected for a bit until it is established. It does spread by rhizomes, so bear that in mind when planting. It will spread if the conditions are right.

Photo credit: Joshua Mayer

Starry Solomon’s Plum is an early bloomer that attracts Halictid bees. It is the host plant to 3 species of butterflies or moths in the area ( The berries are eaten by a number of woodland songbirds ( Deer also seem to like it, so it may need to be protected for a bit until it is established. It does spread by rhizomes, so bear that in mind when planting. It will spread if the conditions are right.

Photo credit: Joshua Mayer

Life Cycle: Perennial

Sun Exposure: Full-Partial-Shade

Soil Moisture: Med/wet-Dry

Height: 2 feet

Plant Spacing: 1-2 feet

Bloom Time: April-June

Bloom Color: White

Advantages: Bird Favorite, Great Landscaping Plant

Host Plant: 3 species of butterflies and moths use this as a caterpillar host plant in our area (

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