Smallspike False Nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica)


Luckily Smallspike False Nettle lacks the stinging hairs of its nettle cousins because it is a host plant to some really pretty butterflies; Eastern Comma, Red Admiral, and Question Mark (

Photo credit: (1) Fritz Reynolds, (2-4) John Blair

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Luckily Smallspike False Nettle lacks the stinging hairs of its nettle cousins because it is a host plant to some really pretty butterflies; Eastern Comma, Red Admiral, and Question Mark (

Photo credit: (1) Fritz Reynolds, (2-4) John Blair

Luckily Smallspike False Nettle lacks the stinging hairs of its nettle cousins because it is a host plant to some really pretty butterflies; Eastern Comma, Red Admiral, and Question Mark (

Photo credit: (1) Fritz Reynolds, (2-4) John Blair

Life Cycle: Perennial

Sun Exposure: Partial

Soil Moisture: Medium-Wet, Medium

Height: 3 feet

Plant Spacing: 1.5-2 feet

Bloom Time: June-August

Bloom Color: Yellow

Advantages: Pollinator Favorite, Deer Resistant

Host Plant: Eastern Comma, Red Admiral, Question Mark, and possibly a few others (

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