Side-Oats Grama (Bouteloua curtipendula)


What a great grass to have in the landscape. It is unusual among native grasses because you can see its tiny attractive flowers during the summer bloom time and when the seed heads dry, they look like oats. Side-Oats Grama is an important grass to grow because it is the host plant to the endangered Ottoe Skipper ( It is a clump-forming grass, so can easily be grown in smaller gardens without taking over. Side-Oats Grama is listed as endangered and critically imperiled in Michigan (

Photo Credit: Aaron Carlson

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What a great grass to have in the landscape. It is unusual among native grasses because you can see its tiny attractive flowers during the summer bloom time and when the seed heads dry, they look like oats. Side-Oats Grama is an important grass to grow because it is the host plant to the endangered Ottoe Skipper ( It is a clump-forming grass, so can easily be grown in smaller gardens without taking over. Side-Oats Grama is listed as endangered and critically imperiled in Michigan (

Photo Credit: Aaron Carlson

What a great grass to have in the landscape. It is unusual among native grasses because you can see its tiny attractive flowers during the summer bloom time and when the seed heads dry, they look like oats. Side-Oats Grama is an important grass to grow because it is the host plant to the endangered Ottoe Skipper ( It is a clump-forming grass, so can easily be grown in smaller gardens without taking over. Side-Oats Grama is listed as endangered and critically imperiled in Michigan (

Photo Credit: Aaron Carlson

Life Cycle: Perennial

Sun Exposure: Full, Partial

Soil Moisture: Medium, Medium-Dry, Dry

Height: 1.5-2.5 feet

Plant Spacing: 1.5-2 feet

Bloom Time: August-September

Bloom Color:

Advantages: Deer Resistant, Bird Favorite, Larva Favorite, Great Landscaping plant

Host Plant: Otto’s Skipper and Leonard’s Skipper (

Species of Concern: State Status: Endangered (legally protected). State Rank: Critically imperiled (

Beneficial Endangered or Threatened Species: Ottoe Skipper (Hesperia ottoe) (

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