Common Cattail Sedge (Carex typhina)


Common Cattail Sedge is an attractive sedge that is a host plant to 11 species of butterflies and moths in our area (, including the critically impaired Macoun’s artic ( Many wetland birds feed on the seeds or spikelets, including ducks, rails, sandpipers, and quite a few more ( This sedge prefers wetter areas and would be great for shadier rain gardens. Common Cattail Sedge is considered critically imperiled in Michigan, so why not give it a try (

Photo credit: Doug McGrady

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Common Cattail Sedge is an attractive sedge that is a host plant to 11 species of butterflies and moths in our area (, including the critically impaired Macoun’s artic ( Many wetland birds feed on the seeds or spikelets, including ducks, rails, sandpipers, and quite a few more ( This sedge prefers wetter areas and would be great for shadier rain gardens. Common Cattail Sedge is considered critically imperiled in Michigan, so why not give it a try (

Photo credit: Doug McGrady

Common Cattail Sedge is an attractive sedge that is a host plant to 11 species of butterflies and moths in our area (, including the critically impaired Macoun’s artic ( Many wetland birds feed on the seeds or spikelets, including ducks, rails, sandpipers, and quite a few more ( This sedge prefers wetter areas and would be great for shadier rain gardens. Common Cattail Sedge is considered critically imperiled in Michigan, so why not give it a try (

Photo credit: Doug McGrady

Life Cycle: Perennial 

Sun Exposure: Partial- Shade

Soil Moisture: Wet-Medium/wet

Height: 12 inches

Plant Spacing

Bloom Time: June-August

Bloom Color: Greenish

Advantages: Bird Favorite, Deer Resistant, Great Landscaping plant

Host: 11 species of butterflies and moths use this as a caterpillar host plant in our area (

Species of concern: State Status: Threatened (legally protected), State Rank: Critically imperiled (

Beneficial for Endangered or Threatened Species: Macoun's arctic (Oeneis macounii) (

Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)
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Michigan Holly (Ilex verticillata)
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