Bee Balm (Monarda fistulosa)

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Bee Balm is a favorite nectar source for many hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and moths ( Bee Balm is one of the best forage plants for bumble bees because its flowers open continuously throughout the day, providing an ongoing nectar source (Heather Holm). It is a host plant for the specialist bees Dufourea monardae, Perdita gerhandi, and Protandrena abdominalis (Holm, 2017, p 172) (Johnson and Colla, 2023). Researchers have also recently observed sand wasps (Bicyrtes) using Bee Balm extensively for nectar. These wasps are voracious predators of the brown marmorated stinkbug, a significant pest of orchards and vegetable crops ( Bee Balm is recommended as a monarch nectar source ( and a preferred pollinator plant by Xerces Society ( On top of all that, it is the host plant to 13 species of butterflies and moths in our area ( Mammalian herbivores typically avoid this plant as a food source.

Photo credit: Matt Levin

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Bee Balm is a favorite nectar source for many hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and moths ( Bee Balm is one of the best forage plants for bumble bees because its flowers open continuously throughout the day, providing an ongoing nectar source (Heather Holm). It is a host plant for the specialist bees Dufourea monardae, Perdita gerhandi, and Protandrena abdominalis (Holm, 2017, p 172) (Johnson and Colla, 2023). Researchers have also recently observed sand wasps (Bicyrtes) using Bee Balm extensively for nectar. These wasps are voracious predators of the brown marmorated stinkbug, a significant pest of orchards and vegetable crops ( Bee Balm is recommended as a monarch nectar source ( and a preferred pollinator plant by Xerces Society ( On top of all that, it is the host plant to 13 species of butterflies and moths in our area ( Mammalian herbivores typically avoid this plant as a food source.

Photo credit: Matt Levin

Bee Balm is a favorite nectar source for many hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and moths ( Bee Balm is one of the best forage plants for bumble bees because its flowers open continuously throughout the day, providing an ongoing nectar source (Heather Holm). It is a host plant for the specialist bees Dufourea monardae, Perdita gerhandi, and Protandrena abdominalis (Holm, 2017, p 172) (Johnson and Colla, 2023). Researchers have also recently observed sand wasps (Bicyrtes) using Bee Balm extensively for nectar. These wasps are voracious predators of the brown marmorated stinkbug, a significant pest of orchards and vegetable crops ( Bee Balm is recommended as a monarch nectar source ( and a preferred pollinator plant by Xerces Society ( On top of all that, it is the host plant to 13 species of butterflies and moths in our area ( Mammalian herbivores typically avoid this plant as a food source.

Photo credit: Matt Levin

Life Cycle: Perennial

Sun Exposure: Full, Partial shade

Soil Moisture: Medium-wet, Medium, Dry

Height: 4 feet

Plant Spacing: 2-3 feet

Bloom Time: July - September

Bloom Color: Purple

Advantages: Pollinator Favorite, Bird Favorite, Deer Resistant, Great landscaping plant

Host Plant: Approximately 13 species of butterflies and moths use this as a caterpillar host plant in our area (

Specialist Bee: Black Sweat Bee Dufourea monardae, Perdita gerhandi, and Protandrena abdominalis (Holm, 2017, p 172) (Johnson and Colla, 2023)

Beneficial Insect: Soldier Beetles

Complementary Plants: Flowering Spurge, Swamp Milkweed, Canada anemone, Nodding Onion

Resource: Holm, Heather. Bees: An Identification and Native Plant Forage Guide. Pollination Press LLC, 2017

Resource: Johnson, Lorraine, and Sheila Colla. A Northern Gardener’s Guide to Native Plants and Pollinators: Creating Habitat in the Northeast, Great Lakes, and Upper Midwest. Island Press, 2023

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